Amit Mathur
12 min readJun 9, 2021


This book is divided into 8 Phases:

Phase 1: Understand and Identify your Dream Buyer

Phase 2: Create the perfect bait for your Dream Buyer

Phase 3: Capture Leads and Get Contact Details

Phase 4: The Godfather Strategy

Phase 5: Traffic

Phase 6: The Magic Lantern Technique

Phase 7: Sales Conversion

Phase 8: Automate and Multiply

Before we start getting into these phases, the author has highlighted some other points as well which are worth mentioning in this book Summary:


  • If you want to become a Millionaire, you need to think like a billionaire
  • Being busy is not the same as being productive.
  • The fate of your business lies not just in having the best product or service but in your ability to market your products or services.
  • The market doesn’t pay you to have the best product or services. It rewards you for solving problems. The bigger the problem your solve, the more your will be compensated.
  • 80% of the revenue comes from the 20% o the of the 20% of your revenue-producing activities.

Phase 1: Understand and Identify your Dream Buyer

The mainstream way of ‘Solving’ this problem is to target only the people most likely to buy your products and services, but this approach is misguided.

One of the secrets to skyrocketing sales is by appealing to a large market. The market is divided into 4 categories:

The real money is in the 37% of people who are either problem aware or are in information-gathering mode.

Our goal must be to move all 97% of the potential customers up the pyramid faster. Because believe it or not, even ‘disinterested’ prospects can turn into lucrative customers only if you know how to approach them.

When a prospect isn’t informed or knowledgeable on a subject, they’re in a state of uncertainty and people don’t buy in this state. But the more they know, the more likely they are to buy.

The key is to install a system that:

  • Attracts
  • Educates
  • Nurtures
  • Gets prospects to act!

If you can actively and skilfully move people up the pyramid, you can shift many of the 97% of prospects from ‘not buying right now’ or ‘not even thinking about it’ to becoming your customer right away. The best way to do this is through what’s called a sales funnel.

The Halo Strategy: Know your Customer

Before you start thinking about a sales funnel you must know your customer intimately! You must know your customer’s deepest and most primal desires.

Pareto Principle: We know that 20% of your customers represent 80% of your revenue. But within that initial 20%, the 80/20 rule also applies. This means that the top 20% of your 20% customers (or the top 4% overall) represents 64% of your sales (calculated as 80% times 80%). Meaning you can laser focus on the 4% of your customers who contributed to 64% of your business’s revenues, and importantly, find more customers like them.

AnswerThePublic.Com: The next best thing to actually reading your customer’s mind is It will give you invaluable insights into what your customers are thinking.

Creating your Dream Buyer Avatar

Knowing your dream buyer changes your product and service offering, marketing strategy, value proposition, pricing and tone of your copy and the channels you will be using for advertising.

If you want to compete with the big buyers out in the market, you have to zero in on your Dream Buyer.

Targeting a specific dream buyer doesn’t mean than you have to exclude anyone who doesn’t fit those criteria.

There are 9 questions you need to answer or ask yourself to define your Dream Buyer:

  1. Where does your Dream buyer hang out and congregate?
  2. Where does your Dream Buyer get their information?
  3. What are their biggest frustrations and challenges?
  4. What are their hopes, dreams and desires?
  5. What are their biggest fears?
  6. What is their preferred form of communication?
  7. What phrases, exact language and vernacular do they use?
  8. What does a day in your dream buyer’s life book look like?
  9. What makes them happy?

Phase 2: Create the perfect bait for your Dream Buyer

Your next move should be to create perfect Bait for your Dream Buyer.

This can be done by creating High Value Content Offer (HVCO) for your prospective buyers.

HVCO is the valuable information your buyers are looking for in the market. HVCO comes into multiple forms — free reports, books, videos, cheat sheets — but the goal is always the same: to offer your prospects incredible value, typically in the form of a solution they are struggling with. In return, all you ask is for their names and email addresses. The goal is to wow them with this experience.

Create goodwill in the marketplace.

There are three ways we can influence people:

  • Talk about how good we are.
  • Have others talk about how good we are.
  • Demonstrate how good we are.

The last one can be obtained by creating HVCO.

HVCO Rule #1: Create an Attention-Grabbing Headline

  • Identify your Dream Buyer’s single most pervasive and persistent hair-on-fire problem — and then offer them the single most valuable and immediate solution.
  • HEADLINE ESSENTIAL #2: NUMBERS: Numbers give prospects a tangible object or logical idea to wrap their head around. Example:

‘7 Things You Must Know Before Hiring a Financial Planner’.

’12 Things No Wedding Photographer Would Tell You’.

  • HEADLINE ESSENTIAL #3: CREATE IRRESISTIBLE INTRIGUE: A great way to create irresistible intrigue is by using words such as ‘Must’, ‘Alarming’, ‘Shocking’, ‘Won’t Tell You’, ‘Exposed!’ ‘Revealed’ ‘Confession!’ ‘Horror’ ‘Secret’.
  • HEADLINE ESSENTIAL #4: SHOW THEM WHAT’S IN IT FOR THEM: Show them how they’ll learn simple tips that will help solve their problem.

HVCO Tip #2: Make Sure Every Point Touches A Burning Issue. Make sure to cover those questions in the sub-heading.

HVCO Tip #3: Keep it Simple: Start by writing a simple free report or eBook. You don’t even have to write your report from scratch. You could compile your most popular blog posts into one easy-to-digest guide, jazz it up with basic styling, and convert it into a PDF.

Phase 3: Capture Leads and Get Contact Details

The currency in which your prospects are paying for this piece of information consists of their names and email addresses. And you must wow them.

Make it the type of quality someone would happily pay money for. The information you’re giving away on your opt-in page must be so good that it leaves your prospects saying, ‘If they’re giving away such valuable content for free, imagine what their paid products and services are like!’

Phase 4: The Godfather Strategy

Make Your Prospects An Offer They Can’t Refuse

Simple, isn’t it? 🙂

An ‘Offer’ consists of two things:

  • What your prospects want when they respond to your marketing.
  • What they have got to do to get it.

The Godfather Strategy is about making an irresistible offer with balls. It’s about making some huge claims and some big promises. It’s about having an offer so white-hot that it melts objections and obliterates any friction between you and the sale… and… almost forces your prospects to buy.

Sell What People What To Buy:

  • Discover what people really want in your market, then sell it to them!
  • Good Enough won’t cut it. Simple do what’s required in order to pivot your business to align with what your market desires most.
  • Right way to approach this is to write your sales message before ever creating the product and service.

Create Your Offer:

  • Think about what your best offer could possibly be.
  • It’s really important to remember that no one is going to see this piece of paper except for you at the beginning.
  • Make it outrageous.
  • Offer only what you can deliver on.
  • Irresistible offers are detailed and specific.

Anticipate And Overcome Objections:

  • Spend some time thinking about the objections your prospects would have and write them down below.
  • What are the main objections to the offer?
  1. Xx
  2. Xx
  3. Xx
  • How will you overcome these objections?
  1. Xx
  2. Xx
  3. Xx

A ‘POWER GUARANTEE’ That Slaughters Your Competition and Leaves Them Screaming for Mercy

  • Think about that for a moment. If you’re not willing to guarantee any element of the products and services you sell, why on Earth should anybody trust you with their hard-earned money?
  • A powerful guarantee reverses the risk from your prospect and you, and it reduces the friction for someone to buy. This increases your selling power.
  • A guarantee can triple sales.

7 Steps To Creating a Power Guarantee:

  1. Study the Competition
  2. Laser in on your strengths
  3. Be specific
  4. Choose a payback
  5. Test, measure, and refine
  6. Put it front and centre
  7. Give your guarantee a name

Phase 5: Traffic

After you have created the HVCO, it’s time to look at what traffic channels are right for your business.

A business should never rely on one single source of traffic for new business.

For a business, having the ability to turn advertising into a profit is the single greatest skill to ensure you won’t ever go hungry.

Three Types of Traffic:

How to write Google Ads that grab your Prospects by the Throat and Drag them to your Website:

The job of an advert is not to sell the product, it’s to sell the click.

Your ads should demand attention and compel readers to click. There are a number of ways to get the attention of your prospective buyer:

  • FEAR
  • SELF-INTEREST (Better, Richer, Stronger, Faster, Healthier, Happier, Sexier, Fitter, Smarter)

You need to be provocative. You need to shock people. You need to say the opposite of what your competition is saying.

There’s no point spending $100 on Google Ads a month and making $1,200. Rather you should spend $1,000 and make $6,000 back. While the ROI will be lower, your overall sales and bottom-line profit will be much higher.

Phase 6: The Magic Lantern Technique

The Larger Market Formula:

The biggest opportunity online lies in the 97% of prospects who aren’t in ‘buy now’ mode. They are the biggest market, and marketing to them can give you a huge advantage over your competitors. You just need to know how to treat them.

The Magic Lantern Technique and send these fence-sitters a video sequence that teaches them something that ultimately moves them closer to their desired outcome.

This is a series of two or three videos that give them pure value. They’re not selling anything, just giving them some value in advance and taking them closer to their desired outcome. At the end of each video, you include a call to action saying something along the lines of:

‘If you liked this content and you’re committed to getting X outcome, I’ve got a really great offer for you. I’ve put some time aside in my calendar to help you solve this problem or get your desired outcome. And you can go ahead and book in some time with me here’.

The result of this video sequence is that you turn a good chunk of that disinterested 97% into genuine, eager buyers.

Phase 7: Sales Conversion

The last step in this process is the Sales mechanism.

If you’re selling a service, the best way to close the sale is to have a free 30, 45, or 60-minute zero-pressure, very helpful sales conversation. This conversation can close 80% or better, depending on your own individual results.

Sell Like a Doctor: I’ve found that 90% of salespeople get it wrong. They basically vomit every feature and benefit of their service during their sales presentation in the hope that something hits a nerve that will make the prospect buy.

Instead, a good doctor begins by asking, ‘Where is the pain?’

A prescription without a diagnosis is malpractice

And it’s the same in sales. As a salesperson, you’re trying to diagnose someone’s issue and then, if what you’re selling can help them, you make them an irresistible offer — an offer they can’t refuse. If you can’t help them, shoot them straight and let them know that what you’ve got isn’t a great fit and won’t help them solve their issue.

Not only is it the right thing to do, but it also creates goodwill in your market if prospects understand you’re not simply quick to make a sale, but are genuinely trying to help them solve their problems.

The word will get out and you will be rewarded for this approach.

Finding your Prospect’s ‘Why?’

Find the real reason why your prospect is engaging with you.

Where Do they want to go?

Then, check where do they want to go and their desired outcome. Then, find out their ‘Why’, and get them to picture exactly what life will be like after they get there.

The Admission

This is where you get your prospect to express everything they’ve been doing so far. Their struggles, frustrations, challenges. What has worked and what hasn’t, and why? Remember this: If it’s not important to them, then politely end the call. If they don’t have a burning desire to solve this problem, it doesn’t matter what you’re offering or what you’re charging, they won’t buy.

Delivering Value

After you’ve established the burning problem they’re trying to solve, this is the part of the call where you transition into the value you promised up front in your Godfather Offer.

A way to kill skepticism going on in your prospect’s mind is to prove to them that you can help them by actually helping them. Remember, no one likes to be sold, but everyone likes to buy.

Getting the Committment

Once you’ve delivered your value piece it’s now time to gain commitment. if your prospect what they are looking for and what you are offering is a great fit, then this is where you gain commitment and segue into your offering.

The Prescription

This section of the conversation is to simply tell them what you’ve got to offer and what your program can help them achieve. Tailor this to the specific problems they told you they were having earlier in the call and position it as exactly what they need — because it is! This overview should be no more than 2 minutes long.

The Close

Based on the prospect’s tone and involvement in the call, you should have a good read if they’re cold, warm or hot. However, still do a temperature check and test close by asking what does the prospect feels about the suggested prescription.

State your price and what your services cost. Say it with pride and conviction. Do not hesitate for a second and do not pause to get a confirmation once you state your price.


There’s an old saying in sales: “The person who speaks first, loses. You’ve stated your offer. Now you must show confidence by waiting for their response.

Collect their payment details and boom! You’ve closed the deal and won a client!

Phase 8: Automate and Multiply

Email is the most powerful marketing weapon as it outperforms every other marketing channel. Period.

And one of the biggest mistakes I see businesses make is not building an email list from day one.

It turns out that having an email list has a forty-fold impact on your bottom line.

The Battle For Attention In The INBOX

When it comes to email, there really are only three things that matter:

  • Get it delivered: Select the best platform provider
  • Get it opened: Choose the correct subject line.
  • Get it clicked

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This book contains many practical examples through which you can improve your sales funnel. If you are interested in getting a copy of this book then click the below-given link to order your copy NOW:



Amit Mathur
Amit Mathur

Written by Amit Mathur

Project Manager at Merkle, Consultant, Blogger, Marathoner

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